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Armored Division
(Page 4 - Division Trains / Division Support Command)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
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Division Trains |

Organization of an Armored Division Trains in 1958 |
(Source: STATION LIST, 31 December 1960) |
HQ/HQ Det Div Trains |
Goeppingen |
4th Quartermaster Bn |
Goeppingen |
HQ/HQ Co |
Goeppingen |
A Co |
Goeppingen |
B Co |
Goeppingen |
46th Medical Bn |
HQ/HQ Co |
Heilbronn |
A Co |
Heilbronn |
B Co |
Heilbronn |
126th Ordnance Bn |
HQ & A Co |
Neu Ulm |
B Co |
Fuerth |
C Co |
Crailsheim |
D Co |
Erlangen |
(1) 504th Admin Co |
Goeppingen |
(1) According to doctrine for the period, the Administration Company should have been organic to Division Trains. However, some sources indicate that the 504th Admin Co was a separate company under HQ 4th Armd Div. Can anyone provide details? |
4th Armored Division Trains DI |
1962 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Jan 3, 1962) |
The mission of Division Trains is to expedite and ensure the delivery of logistical support to the division.
Division Trains is made up of:
126th Ordnance Battalion
4th QM Battalion
46th Medical Battalion
CO of Div Trains is Col John S. Gerety. (Webmaster note: Gerety would later go on serve as the 4th AD Chief of Staff and then (c. June 1963) assume command of the 7th Army Training Center in Grafenwoehr. He was succeeded in the Div Trains CO position by Col David B. Goodwin.)
In wartime, Div Trains must be capable of supplying more than 600 tons of ammo; provide rations, gas and oil; and set up medical facilities and supplies for each combat command. Trains is also responsible for third- and fourth-echelon maintenance on vehicles and weapons. |
Division Support Command |
4th Armd Div Support Command DI |
Division Trains / DISCOM Units |
Div Data Center
504th Admin Co
46th Med Bn
4th QM Bn
504th S&T Bn
Det "C" 504th S&T Bn
126th Ord / Maint Bn |
504th Administration Company |
504th Administration Company barracks, Cooke Bks, Göppingen, mid-1960s |
Organization of the 504th Administration Company, mid-1960s |
504th Administration Co DUI (1) |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The division administration company (2) company has certain personal and special staff sections which provide personnel and administrative service support to the division and its attachments. The company also provides electrical accounting equipment (punch card and transceiver) services and organizational maintenance of such equipment.
The administration company provides those division personal and special staff sections which normally remain with the division rear echelon. This company also provides the division chaplain who normally is located at division main. He coordinates the collective efforts of division chaplains in providing denominational coverage, as required.
The company operates under the general staff supervision of the division G1, and under the support command commander for unit administration, tactical training, and tactical operations.
The company headquarters section performs the normal functions of a company headquarters, including mess and supply. The division personal and special staff officers assigned to the company (adjutant general, finance officer, inspector general, staff judge advocate, chaplain, and information officer) operate in accordance with staff procedures and doctrine set forth in FM 101-5. T
The adjutant general section included within the company also provides centralized personnel service, postal service, special service support, and, when properly augmented, replacement support for the division.
For details of the employment and functions of the administration company see FM 12-11.
(1) As an non-color bearing unit (NCBU), 504th Admin wore the 4th Armored Division DUI
(2) The 504th Administration Company was located at Cooke Barracks, Göppingen (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). |
46th Medical Battalion |
Organization of the 46th Medical Battalion, mid-1960s |
46th Medical Battalion DI |
1962 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Sept 20, 1962) |
4th Armored Division started a week-long field training course for medics in 1959 (conducted by the 46th Med Bn?). It is the only division in USAREUR that conducts this 10-phase medical training. The seven-day course covers all phases of medical training, equipment operations and the basic requirements of a field soldier.
The Department of the Army is currently considering a request from the 4th AD asking to authorize an expert medic's badge for those who complete successfully the course. |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The medical battalion (1) provides division level medical service to the division to include -
a. Operation of division clearing stations with a limited short-term holding capacity.
b. Ambulance evacuation of patients from unit medical treatment facilities.
c. Medical supply and organizational maintenance of medical equipment.
d. Emergency dental treatment.
e. Limited psychiatric service. and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
The medical battalion is assigned to the support command. The three medical companies are capable of operating ambulance and clearing stations in support of the brigades. Normally, a clearing station will be operated by each company for the unit that it supports. Each medical company can operate two clearing stations for displacement and short duration operations.
The headquarters and support company ambulances and clearing station normally operate in the division support area to support division troops and the support command.
Medical units normally furnish support on an area basis. For details of the operation of the medical battalion see FM 8-15.
(1) The 46th Medical Battalion (1966) was located at Ferris Barracks, Erlangen (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). |
4th Quartermaster Battalion |

Cooke Barracks (1982) - former 4th QM Bn billets (?) |

Organization of an Armored QM Battalion in 1958 |
4th Quartermaster Battalion DI |
504th Supply and Transportation Battalion |
Organization of the 504th Supply & Transport Battalion, mid-1960s |
504th Supply & Transportation Battalion DI |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The supply and transportation battalion (2) is responsible for supplying the division and its attachments with all items of supply except class V, medical supplies and equipment, aircraft parts and supplies, cryptographic materiel, water, repair parts, and airdrop equipment. In addition, the battalion provides -
a. Reserve stocks of classes I and III, and selected fast moving classes II and IV supplies in all divisions.
b. Transportation for logistic support operations.
c. Transportation for tactical movement in the infantry division, when required.
d. Bath facilities when properly augmented and, when practical, clothing exchange service.
e. Map supply.
f. Graves registration service, when properly augmented.
g. A division salvage collection facility.
h. Limited purchasing and contracting.
i. Coordination for laundry and exchange services.
j. Limited capability for rigging supplies and equipment for resupply by air.
k. Advice to division units on food service matters.
The supply and transport battalion provides and operates distribution points for classes I and III supplies in the brigade trains areas as well as in the division support area. On request, classes II and IV supplies are delivered by the support command to forward class I supply distribution points for issue.
Selected classes II and IV supplies may also be stocked at forward class I supply distribution points. Division reserve stocks of classes I, II, III, and IV supplies are maintained in the division support area.
a. Supply and transport elements from the battalion may be attached to or placed in support of divisional units operating in independent or semiindependent missions. When properly augmented, the battalion provides bath unit support on an area
basis. The battalion, when properly augmented, provides graves registration support in each brigade area to receive, identify, and arrange for evacuation of dead to the division collection point. It also provides a graves registration collection point in the division support area.
b. In the infantry divisions, corps or
army transportation units must be provided if combat units are to be moved in a single lift.
c. For details of the operation of the supply and transport battalion, see FM 10-50.
(1) The 504th S&T Battalion was modified from the type supply and transportation battalion defined in FM 54-2 by the addition of Detachment "C," an airfield support unit for the division.
(2) The 504th S&T Battalion (1966) was located at Monteith Barracks, Fürth, with the exception of B Company which was at McKee Barracks, Crailsheim (STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1966). When the 24th Avn Bn, Gablingen, was inactivated in 1967, Detachment "C" was activated and attached to the 504th S&T Bn. Det "C" was stationed at Monteith Barracks. |
1966 |
(Source: Email from Larry D. French) |
I was stationed there (Crailsheim) with Co A, 504th Supply & Transportation Bn in 1966 and part of 1967. I worked in the motor pool tool room, and did some gas welding when needed.
The 37th Armor was also stationed there.
Some of the guys in Company A were mechanics. We just had acetylene tanks to weld with. You could do American steel but not the German steel. If they wanted something welded that was German steel I had to go over to the 2/37th Armor and have one of their guys weld it.
We were in the main building and our room was just down the hall from the showers. At that time they had hired the Germans to put down new linoleum in all the hall ways.
About a month or six weeks after I arrived at Crailsheim (I think it was either August or September) our Battalion moved up to Furth (Monteith Barracks).
I 1049ed to Viet Nam and finally left in July of 1967. My MOS was full in Nam so I got sent to the 509th Supply & Service Company in Korat, Thailand.
I got out of the Army in May 1968. |
Detachment "C" |

Det "C" 504th S&T Bn hangar at Fürth Army Airfield, 1970 (Webmaster's collection) |
1967 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, July 14, 1967) |
The 504th Avn Bn has been inactivated.
Most of the battalion's aviation personnel have been reassigned to Hq Company, 4th Armd Div. There they will form a Division Aviation Section and a Command Aviation Section.
Other personnel from the former battalion will form Detachment "C" under the 504th Support & Transportation Battalion and operate Army class A airfields in the division area. |
126th Ordnance / Maintenance Battalion |
126th Ordnance Battalion DI |
126th Ordnance Battalion |
1958 |
(Source: Email from Walter Mossner, Hq & A Co, 126th Ord Bn) |
I discovered your very informative website only recently and like the way you put it together. It brought back pleasant memories of events that are now over 46 years old.
I was a draftee from Cliffside Park, New Jersey. Of my two-year commitment (9/1958 - 9/1960), I spent the first six months training in Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort Knox, Kentucky and Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. In April 1959 I arrived at Headquarters & Company "A", 126th Ordnance Battalion, 4th Armored Division, Cooke Barracks, in Göppingen, West Germany, where I spent the remainder of my military duty. I was discharged at Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York, in September 1960.
126th Maintenance Battalion |

Organization of the 126th Maintenance Battalion, mid-1960s |
126th Maintenance Bn DUI |
1965 |
(Source: The Division Support Command, FM 54-2, September 1965) |
The maintenance battalion provides direct support maintenance for the division and its attachments to include:
a. Direct support maintenance for all materiel except medical, electrical accounting, quartermastes airdrop, and cryptographic equipment.
b. Obtaining, accounting for, and issuing selected maintenance float items.
c. Supply of repair parts.
d. Operation of maintenance collection points and provision of evacuation service.
Direct support maintenance, to include a limited materiel recovery and evacuation capability, is provided each brigade by a forward support company in the brigade trains area (1). The forward support company is reinforced as required by elements of the headquarters and main support company of the maintenance battalion.
The headquarters and main support company (2) operates in the division support area, providing direct maintenance support to the division elements not supported by the forward support companies as well as backup maintenance support to the forward support companies. The headquarters and main support company operates the main division maintenance collection point and provides evacuation assistance to support units when required.
The aircraft maintenance company (3) provides direct support maintenance for organic and attached division aircraft at airstrips and helicopter operating sites.
(1) C Company, Warner Bks, Bamberg, supports 3rd Brigade; D Co, Ferris Bks, Erlangen, supports 2nd Bde; E Co, W.O. Darby Ksn, Führt supports 1st Bde.
(2) Headquarters and A Company, 126th Maint Bn, McKee Barracks, Crailsheim.
(3) Company B, 126th Maint Bn located at Ansbach AAF (Katterbach), Ansbach. (Webmaster note: sometime in late 1966, B Company moved from Monteith Barracks, Fürth to Ansbach.) |
1966 |
(Source: ROLLING REVIEW, October 8, 1966) |

Article on B Company, 126th Maint Bn, Oct 8, 1966 |
B Company, 126th Maintenance Battalion at Monteith Barracks, Fürth, was responsible for 3d-echelon maintenance support to the Division's fixed wing and rotary aircraft. (The company moved to Katterbach (Ansbach) shortly after the article was written.) |
Webmaster note: 4th-echelon maintenance for 4th Armd Div aircraft was provided by the 48th Transportation Company at Cooke Barracks, Göppingen. |
1968 |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, Oct 5, 1968) |
Co B, 126th Maint Bn won the 'Big M' Award for the 1st half of 1968 recently. (The Big M Award is presented every six months to the best maintenance company in Seventh Army. The first Big M was presented in August 1967.)
Company B won the award after passing a series of rigorous inspections administered to Seventh Army maintenance units competing for the award. The final inspections, after V Corps, VII Corps and the Seventh Army Support Command had nominated their best companies, were conducted by a top-level Seventh Army inspection team.
Company B, 126th Maint, stationed at Katterbach, has a strength of 117 soldiers. The unit maintains 15 aviation facilities in the 4th Armd Div area and is responsible for the maintenance of 50 assorted aircraft.
Among the accomplishments that led to the award are the implementation of centralized direct support operations by sending all work orders through a production control center so that jobs can be scheduled rather then conducted on a hit-or-miss basis; elimination of excess equipment and parts; revising internal procedures on procuring parts from the Direct Support Supply Agency achieving 90 percent efficiency in supplying their needs from stored parts; and rebuilding 21 aircraft which had been disassembled and stored in the unit's hangar. |
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